We all know the importance of stretching before exercising. It is as important as exercising.
Stretching increases flexibility and range of motion. Physical therapists call it “lotion for your motion”. This means that the more the joints are lubricated, the better the movement of the muscles.
This month we’ll discuss static vs. dynamic stretches. In addition, we’ve provided some dynamic exercises to help you warm up during the cold weather season.
Static stretches are those in which you hold a single position for a designated period of time (typically 20-45 seconds) and are done while standing, lying, or sitting repetitively, 2-3 times each. Examples of static stretches are hamstring, quadricep, and calf stretches.
Dynamic exercises limber up your muscles and help get your blood moving, which keeps you warmed up and ready to work out. Some examples of dynamic stretches include lunges, leg kicks, and arm circles. Dynamic stretches involve movements that are designed to prepare muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues which in turn help to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.
Arm Circles
High Knees
Leg Kicks
Lunge with a Twist
For more exercises like these and additional information regarding stretching check out our article discussing flexibility vs. mobility