Walking is no big deal, right? Babies learn to walk. People walk all their lives…thousands of miles. What’s to learn about walking?
Everyone walks a little bit differently, and that means some people may not walk quite right. It might be a good idea to pay attention to how you walk.
The basics of normal foot movement are the same for everyone. When you walk, your heel touches the ground first. Then you roll over the ball of the foot onto your toes. That foot bears all your weight until the other heel strikes the surface you’re walking on.
Some people have developed awkward walking styles, often by walking too fast. Walking is different from running. In running, there’s a period of time when both feet are off the ground, whereas in walking, of foot is always on the ground. When you walk, allow for heel-to-toe gait; that is, roll your weight from heel to toe, and then push off form your toes.
Your gait may improve if you relax your knees, swing your legs from the hips, and take shorter strides, which are more efficient than long ones.
A good walk is smooth and fluid, with all your body parts working harmoniously. It’s no big deal, remember? Now just put one foot in front of…….!
To schedule your comprehensive biomechanical evaluation including gait analysis, use our contact form or call our Sports Medicine Podiatry Center and book an appointment at our Cherry Hill, N.J. Sports Medicine Facility or Ridley Park, P.A. Office location with one of our podiatric sports medicine specialists today by calling (610) 522-9200 or by visiting us at