We often think of knee pain as something only adults suffer from, but knee pain also hits teens and preteens who are active in sports.
Pain in the front of the knee and around the kneecap is one of the most common complaints. Knee pain in these age groups can be caused by overuse, an imbalance in muscle strength and flexibility, or a growth-related disease called Osgood-Schlatter disease.
Pain from Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is very specific. It’s an irritation of the growth area that causes pain just below the kneecap where a bony raised area usually develops. The bones grow fast, but the muscles don’t always keep up. Children who are flatfooted or have high arches are more likely to be affected because these foot types cause more abnormal muscle pull, which in turn irritates this area of the knee.
Don’t wait for your child to grow out of it. There is no need for your child to be in pain. Take action.
If you or someone that you care for is feeling pain in the feet, ankles, or lower body, don’t wait, seek treatment. Call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our sports medicine podiatry specialists at our Cherry Hill, N.J. or Ridley Park, PA. Sports Medicine Podiatry Center at (610) 522-9200 or contact us via our contact form today.